ReefSumper Recommended Maintenance Gear

A regular maintenance schedule is an important factor in keeping a healthy and thriving reef tank. A lot of processes fall into the maintenance category including cleaning the glass or acrylic of the tank, cleaning sand, conducting water changes, and cleaning of various equipment. There are many maintenance devices out there, and many make maintenance easier. Easier, quicker, and more efficient ways to perform maintenance are always welcome in the hobby.  If it is easy to do the probability of getting done on a regular basis increases. Here are some of the devices I’ve used for maintenance activities that I recommend. 

Kent Marine Pro-Scraper II and Pro-Scraper II Short

Situation: Cleaning the back glass of my 210-gallon reef tank is not an easy task. Cleaning the back glass on the 210 requires a ladder and quite the maneuvering and amount of arm in the tank to get to the bottom. The Kent Marine Pro-Scraper II system helped me accomplish this task much easier.   

Background: The ProScraper II and Pro-Scraper II short uses interchangeable blades with a steel blade option and a green pad scrubbing option. 

The Pro-Scraper II can be extended by twisting, extending, and locking making the scraper go from 24” to 36”. The short version does not extend and shares the same blades as the longer version.      

Assessment: When I got the Pro-Scraper II I can now clean the back of my 210-gallon glass standing on the floor and without having to place my arm or hands in the tank, a great improvement. I do find that magnetic cleaners are more efficient for the front and side glass, but cleaning back glass is so much easier with this product. I also really like the short version and use it all the time for cleaning the sump. It’s great to have changeable blades and that they can be shared between the two versions. Both scrapers feel nice in the hand and are well constructed and durable. I have not seen any scratches on the glass from the scrapper and primarily use the green felt pad blade for acrylic sumps.  

Recommendation: The long scrapper makes cleaning the back glass possible without having to get into the tank. They are well constructed and I use them frequently without fail.

Kent Marine pro-Scraper

ProScrappers extendable cleaning tool is easy to adjust the handle length with a simple twist. ProScraper heads and blades are interchangeable and replaceable. Three blades are included.